Secret Swaddle Sauce


It never fails. With each new baby comes a somewhat desperate quest for the perfect swaddle that will undoubtedly lead to a full night of sleep. I always start with my very favorite baby must-have, the beloved Aden and Anais swaddle blanket. It is perfect for a newborn and really all you need to successfully swaddle your sweet little bundle of joy.

I loathe the hospital swaddle blankets. They are rectangular in shape, which makes swaddling a baby a rather difficult task. A good swaddle starts with a square blanket, which is precisely why you need the soft, light weight, and beautiful swaddle blankets made by Aden and Anais. I have packed these blankets all five times I have checked in to the hospital to have a baby, and I rarely leave home without one.

But after a month or so, you may need to call in reinforcements. Your baby will grow stronger and will most likely wriggle their arms free from a swaddle blanket. With Baby Cora, I tried out the Love to Dream Swaddle UP and the Woombie, but what led to the longest stretches of sleep for her was the SwaddleMe Original Swaddle combined with a secondary Aden and Anais swaddle blanket.

So what exactly does that look like? First, I start with a basic Carters onesie, as I want to keep this layer light weight. After that, I velcro her into the SwaddleMe Original Swaddle. I love this particular swaddle because it is so easy to use! Now Cora did end up with a free arm a handful of times, so I decided to add an extra layer to ensure she couldn’t escape. A loose arm wouldn’t bother me if it didn’t wake her up.

Adding the secondary swaddle is my “secret swaddle sauce,” as it increased Cora’s night time sleep from 2.5 hours at a time to 5 hours at a time, and that’s a win in my book.


Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3: 

What I Wore 12-8

19 weeks 4 days pregnant and off to teach 2nd grade.
  1. Maternity V-Neck Long-Sleeve Tee size M
  2. Maternity Full-Panel Leggings 2-Pack size M
  3. Quilted Vest (old) similar here, here, here and here. Ordering this today because mine is a tad too small, and this Tommy Bahama vest is perfect for pregnancy! I love how long, loose, and comfy it looks. Adding to cart now. ✔️
  4. Women’s Lainee Heeled Scrunch Fashion Boots – Universal Thread™

Ordering this ↓ ASAP

Old Navy Small Haul

I tend to get overwhelmed when shopping online. Like I have these grandiose plans of picking a cart load of perfectly coordinated outfits that fit in my budget and are available in my size and preferred choice of color. But in reality I end up with random pieces and a hodgepodge of mismatched stuff that I never really wanted anyway.

I usually close the computer, vow to try again tomorrow, and go about life in my sad, unfashionable wardrobe. The worst part is that I was once very fashionable, and I have a decent sense of style, so I am fully aware that I don’t look great. Ugh, it’s such a pitiful cycle.

But, as I mentioned in my previous post, I feel a sense of renewal and optimism as of late. I want to look good. I want to feel good. I want to add clothes to my cart and not shut the damn computer out of frustration. December goals= hit purchase with confidence. ✔️

I *think* I did pretty well last night shopping Old Navy’s big Cyber Sale. It was late and my growing belly (prego + a pinch of Thanksgiving gluttony) is desperate for properly fitting clothes, so I pretty much forced myself to hit the buy button before shutting down for the night. I also threw in a couple of pieces for my 4-year old daughter, because shopping for my kids is wayyyy less stressful than shopping for myself.

I purchased what I call a “small haul,” as I am trying to buy fewer items at a time and slowly build my wardrobe in an effort to avoid the “pitiful cycle” of adding to cart –>deleting cart –>perpetually styleless. 😉

How did I do???

Old Navy Maternity Front-Low Panel Boot-Cut Jeans
Old Navy Maternity Front Low-Panel Universal Straight Jeans
Old Navy Maternity Full-Panel Leggings 2-Pack
Old Navy Maternity V-Neck Long-Sleeve Tee

Old Navy Maternity Jersey-Knit Bodycon Dress in Green Floral
Old Navy Maternity Corduroy Western Tie-Belt Shirt Dress
Old Navy Fit & Flare Printed Jersey Dress 2-Pack for Toddler Girls
Old Navy Faux-Fur-Lined Boots for Toddler Girls

I later realized that I had an Old Navy and Loft gift card floating around my purse from my birthday back in August, so I did a little extra shopping to take advantage of the Cyber Monday deals. I will spotlight my purchases in my next post. ✌️

This post contains affiliate links.

Baby Bennett’s Birth Story


By Lacey Appolito

Three weeks ago, I delivered my fourth baby (second girl) with my most favorite OB and I couldn’t be more thrilled that my family is now complete. Two boys. Two girls. Lots of chaos. No shortage of love.

I have a weird habit of reading birth stories on my phone while taking a bath during my last month of pregnancy. As each week passes, I change my Google search… 36 week birth stories. 37 week birth stories. 38 week birth stories… You get the idea.

The final few weeks of pregnancy are filled with anticipation. Every cramp is scrutinized. Each trip to the bathroom is a quest for a lost mucous plug. It is fascinating to read how different women experience labor and birth, and exciting to imagine how your own will play out.

My first son Jack was born on a full moon, at 40+3 weeks after days of false labor. I was induced with my second son William at 41 weeks, and my daughter Evie’s birth was almost identical to what I experienced with Jack. It was a full moon and I endured several days of inconsistent but strong contractions before she was born at 39+5 weeks.

I thought for sure that my fourth baby Bennett would come early and fast since my body had birthed so many times before. And even though I know that how dilated you are doesn’t mean much in terms of when you will deliver, I couldn’t help but feel disappointed when I was barely a finger tip dilated and baby was very high at every single appointment leading up to my 40th week of pregnancy.

I was confident that a fourth baby would more or less fall out of my body, but it wasn’t looking like that would be the case at all. So, with the full support of my husband and OB, I scheduled an elective induction for Baby Bennett’s due date, and unlike my induction with William, I didn’t fret over my choice to induce at all.

In comparison to my spontaneous labors, William’s birth was less painful and more controlled. It really was an easy birth, and after a fast labor with Evie, I was worried that Bennett would be born in our car on the way to the hospital, which I wanted to avoid at all costs obviously.

Fast forward to my due date, September 14th, 2018. My husband and I checked into the hospital at 5AM. I quickly changed into my hospital gown and we rested while the nurse set up the Pitocin. Soon after the IV was placed, I felt a few mild contractions and about an hour later my OB came in to check my cervix, break my water, and insert an internal catheter to keep a closer eye on my contractions.

After my OB broke my water, which I have never experienced pre-epidural by the way 😳,  the Pitocin was cranked up and my body started to respond. I dilated from about one centimeter to five centimeters relatively quickly, and I felt confident that I would have a fast labor, after all.

Prior to my induction, I toyed with the idea of a natural birth. Of course I didn’t share this plan with anyone but my husband (who laughed because he knows me so well), so once I reached five centimeters the nurse started talking epidural.

I wasn’t in excruciating pain yet, but I also knew I did not want to feel the pain I felt with Evie, when I was eight centimeters dilated and clenching on to the side of the hospital bed for dear life, cussing and crying, begging for an epidural to take the pain away… So I agreed.

And then everything stopped.

For two hours I remained a little more than five centimeters dilated, but suddenly the situation changed. I started to feel the pain of each contraction again, and despite pressing the epidural button over and over again, the pain only intensified.

It wasn’t pressure I was feeling. It was the familiar stabbing sensation of labor. And it hurt like a mother.

The nurse checked my cervix and I was seven centimeters dilated. The pain continued, moving lower with each passing contraction.

“I’m feeling pressure!” I moaned to my nurse through clenched teeth, who decided to call my doctor up to check me again. Less than thirty minutes had passed and I was now nine centimeters dilated. The doctor wanted anesthesia to come push more medicine through my IV before birth, as the pain was unbearable at that point.

So we waited… briefly. Anesthesia never made it, as I was ten centimeters and ready to push within a couple of minutes.

My doctor returned, and sweet Bennett was born almost immediately. I pushed through two contractions and in an instant she was there! They placed her gooey body on my chest and she peed all over me, but I didn’t care. I was captivated by the moment. In awe of life and its miraculous ways.

It was a bittersweet moment in time, and one that I will cherish forever. My last pregnancy. My last birth story. My last time to experience the surreal feeling of bringing a child into the world.









The Dog Days of Summer

by Lacey Appolito

Being a parent is a rollercoaster. Every day is different, though it can feel like ground hog day, and some days are better than others. This summer has been particularly challenging for me as a parent (and really as a functional adult, too).

For those of you who don’t know, I am a work from home mom. I own and operate an e-commerce business out of my home, but I also wear the hat of stay at home mom. My three kids, who are currently 5, 3, and 2 years old, attend a mother’s day out program for 20 hours per week during the school year, and I really do have a pretty sweet gig when school is in session.

BUT school ended May 18th, and summertime has been a little rocky to say the least. Caring for three children under the age of six is a full-time job. Every minute brings new demands for snacks, more milk, potty help, diaper changes, attention, redirecting, and SO. MUCH. REFEREEING.

On top of the daily grind, I am trying to run a business. When my kids are home for the summer, it is difficult to work on growing or improving Little World Organics. I do what I can to get by and then it is back to my kiddos, because they need me almost all of the time.

Now here is where things get really interesting… I am currently 34 weeks pregnant with my fourth child. I am tired. I am uncomfortable. And most days the temperature is over 100 degrees, making our much needed outside time pretty freaking miserable.

So what is a super pregnant, stay at home/work from home mama to do?

Do better. I have to do better.

Better for my kids. Better for my business. Better for myself.

My little tribe and I have exactly one month until school resumes for the fall semester 🙌, and six weeks until our family grows by one, which will inevitably change our family dynamic forever.

During the dog days of summer, when all I really want to do is curl up with some Netflix in a very cold, dark room, I vow to:

  • practice patience
  • find time to work on my business while the kids are sleeping
  • be present when they are awake
  • exude love
  • minimize exasperation
  • play more

We’ve had a rough couple of days around here, and it is time to turn it around. Despite the enormous amount of energy it takes to pack up three little ones and take them to the neighborhood pool alone, I am going to do it. They need it. I need it. It’s time to breathe some fresh air into our summer routine. I am ready for a change.


Snack time at the pool!