Brand Spotlight: kendamil organic

Introducing the new and improved Kendamil Organic, the most natural and scientifically advanced organic formula on the market. Behind the scenes at Kendamil HQ, our team of R&D scientists have developed the brand new Kendamil Organic recipe to be our closest ever match to breastmilk. Kendamil Organic is exclusively made with ingredients sourced across the UK and now, for the first time, will include key nutrients as identified in breastmilk, including HMOs, ARA, nucleotides, taurine and L-Carnitine. Uniquely British, our nutritional standards remain above the rest.
Human Milk Oligosaccharides, better known as HMO’s, are the third largest solid component in human breastmilk, following lactose and lipids. Research has shown that HMOs can help with promoting good bacteria in the gut, development of the intestine and reducing the risk of pathogenic infection and allergy, while supporting brain development and cognitive function in infants. The new Kendamil Organic baby formula will also include Nucleotides, linked with improved immune function; Taurine, an amino acid that helps infants absorb fat and ARA, linked with improved visual acuity and cognitive development. We take extra care to source all ingredients without the use of hexane solvents. 
Crafted with over 58 years’ expertise, Kendamil Organic remains the most natural, traceable and sustainable formula in the world, still lovingly made in the Lake District using full-cream milk from grass-fed British Jersey cows – uniquely providing babies with natural milk fats, proven to result in reduced crying and favorable stool consistency. We’re proud to use zero palm oils (linked with reduced calcium absorption in infants) and to use zero fish oils, replaced instead by sustainably-sourced plant-based Omega-3 DHA.

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