Little World Life… What’s New Around Here

My Three Little Monkeys… Jack (5), William (3), Evie (2)

This website serves a lot of purposes these days… At least that is my goal as I tend to it again after a 9-month hiatus. In my first post back in 2013, I noted that my intent was to provide myself and other women in the throws of motherhood a place to slow down, share, and relish in the good, bad, and ugly of life while raising little humans.

Since that year, I have birthed another two children and now see the light at the end of the tunnel on my 4th and final pregnancy 🙌. I have learned a lot, forgotten a lot (ha!), lived a lot, and evolved in so many ways. I now want to reconnect with other mothers, women, and parents who want to join me in celebrating this Little World Life.

My website is still Little World Organics, of course, but what this site is really about is the life that I live and breathe every day while managing (or attempting to manage) what will soon be FOUR young children. Did I mention that my oldest is only five years old?!?

The second original purpose of my blog was to spread the word about Holle, HiPP, and Lebenswert organic infant formulas. When I first launched this site, these brands were almost unheard of in the States. The only place you could easily buy European infant formula at the time was Ebay, which frankly scared the heck out of me. I knew there were other parents who felt the same uneasiness that I felt ordering formula from random sellers online, and that is what motivated me to start this blog.

Fast forward five years…  My reputation as a well-respected seller of formula is pretty solid, and back in November I felt it was time to transition from selling formula on my blog to launching an e-commerce store, E-commerce sites are inherently a little less personable than blogs, and I have struggled to create a shop where I can write about whatever suits my fancy without coming across as a tad random and scattered. 🤷‍♀️

This perpetually evolving journey has come full circle now, and I am hopeful that I can maintain my online store, which is the actual vehicle for selling the formula, and my blog, which is my behind the scenes platform to connect with customers, new moms, veteran moms, and other like-minded humans.

I can’t wait to see what the future holds for My Little World Life! I hope you stick around for the ride… It is bound to be a wild one!


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