Operation Containment

When Jack was a newborn, I wrote a post about the products that were essential to everyday life with an infant. Naturally, my list of favorite products today is different than it was six months ago. Over the past eight months, my once immobile baby boy has evolved into a curious, active little guy, and I need an entirely different product arsenal to conquer life with my (almost) toddler.

One of the most essential products during the first few months of Jack’s life was the swaddle. I only wish I could zip Jack up in a Woombie (my swaddle of choice) now. You see, Jack’s new nightly routine involves waking up around two in the morning sitting straight up, startled to find himself in such a position. Though he can easily maneuver from sitting to lying down during the day, it would take an act of God for him to figure it out at night. I don’t get it (clearly he doesn’t either).

When we’ve tried to help J out he becomes quite agitated, which makes it almost impossible to soothe him back to sleep. I suppose this is one of those reasons parents pass on the video baby monitors… I would have no idea he was sitting up-right, half asleep, swaying around like a drunkard had we registered for your standard, run of the mill monitor.

Last night he simply gave up, leaned forward as far as he could, and slept with his head between his legs in a pike-like position. It looked something like this…


Poor little guy.

Anyway, this is my small list of must have products for my older (*tear*) baby boy. For the most part these products revolve around one thing alone… Containment. Welcome to early toddlerhood.



1. Baby Einstein Baby Neptune Ocean Explorer Walker

My MIL gave us this walker for Christmas. At first, Jack didn’t show much interest in it, however, he was singing a different tune when he realized that he can in fact make it move, and rather quickly too. Now the dogs and I spend our afternoons dodging the baby who can achieve surprisingly high speeds in this activity center on wheels. And although I cannot get anything done with Baby J in the walker, he absolutely loves it, and that’s a win in my book. If only the walker came with rubber bumpers…

Buy the walker here.     $44.99 (currently on sale at Target!)



2. Superyard XT Play Gate

Aside from moving a few lamps out of Jack’s way, we have not baby-proofed the house yet, so this pen is essential in our home. Jack loves playing in his “super yard” (glorified cage?), and I love that I can vacuum the house (in theory, at least) without worrying about him.

Even better, this “super yard” doubles as a dog pen. Maybe now the maid won’t shut the poor pups in the bathroom while she cleans the house.

Buy the super yard here.     $59.99




3. Diaper Clutch

These days I find myself shoving a diaper and a packet of wipes in my purse when we are headed out with the baby. I’ve realized that I don’t need quite as much equipment as I did when Jack was an infant. This diaper clutch is the perfect substitute for a bulky diaper bag as your baby grows out of the infancy stage. And it doesn’t hurt that it is absolutely adorable… I would carry this clutch with or without a baby in tow.

Buy the diaper clutch here.     $29.99


4. Shopping Cart Safety Harness


*not Baby Jack pictured above*

Gone are the days of wearing my sleeping (screaming) baby around the grocery store. These days, he’s riding in the cart like a big boy, and he couldn’t be happier. Like his daddy, Jack is a people watcher, so the grocery store is naturally one of his favorite places to go.  Especially the grocery store in my neighborhood… Have you ever heard the slogan Keep Austin Weird? Let’s just say we’re keepin’ it weird at my neighborhood HEB, and Jack throughly enjoys the weekly spectacle.


This harness is the perfect solution to squirmy babies looking to wiggle their way out of a shopping cart. Did you know that over 24,200 children are hospitalized
each year due to shopping cart accidents? I didn’t either until I visited this etsy listing in search of a solution to my grocery cart woes. Don’t be a statistic. Buy a harness today.

Buy the shopping cart safety harness here.      $19.99

5. Portable High Chair- phil&teds red lobster chair


I first discovered the portable high chair at a local pizza joint, and I was hooked immediately. I love how you can attach the chair to any table making your little one a part of the group. When my husband questioned the necessity of this product, I reminded him of the 48 hours I spent bringing Baby J into this world…

Worked like a charm.

Buy the chair here.     $79.99

Are there any must have products you recommend for an older baby? Maybe products designed especially for summertime? If so, do share, as I’m always looking for an excuse to shop!



One thought on “Operation Containment

  1. Babies tend to “sleep-walk” – which is why he ends up sitting up in his sleep, drowsy and confused… my son is almost 9 months and does the same thing… it happens especially if babies are very active during the day… just a phase they have to outgrow, I guess 🙂

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